Thursday 23 January 2014

Procrastination Project

If there's one thing I can do phenomenally well, it's procrastinate, so rather than spending my evenings scrolling through Buzzfeed lists for hours on end or re-watching every episode of Gossip Girl Netflix has to offer, I figured I may as well put this skill to a more productive use.  I've been reading beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogs for probably around three years now, and have always toyed with the idea of starting my own.

Let's just make one thing clear - I LOVE beauty products.  I think, much like most other people I'm sure, I was far more interested in make up before I really considered looking into other areas of cosmetics.  Let's face it, at age fourteen sparkly lipglosses and colourful eye shadows are just so much more appealing than bottles of colourless toner or conditioning hair masks all claiming to specifically treat one problem.  However, the more products I've tried, the more I've learned about and grown to love.

Let's be honest, it is not exactly the most purse friendly interest a student can have, but hey, everyone has there weaknesses right? And I'm sure my parents would far prefer that my weakness was MAC lipsticks instead of cigarettes, or excessive amounts of take away food.

All in all, I just feel that there is no point in hoarding all this makeup without anyone to share it with.  So why not finally get round to starting a blog and even if nobody reads it, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?

Kirsten xo

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